Hello.  Last night WEA Building Reps had their monthly meeting.  Attached below are the minutes. If you would like a copy of any of the handouts form the meeting please contact your Building Rep or Earl Spriggs.

We wanted to point out a few items in particular:

  1.  TAKE THE TIME TO RELAX OVER BREAK! You have earned this time so try NOT to look at your school emails and/or do work related to school.
  2. License requirement for renewal information will impact all of us. The information from Nevada Dept of Education (provided to reps) is very important you are aware of due to the change of credit to 15 hours every year. https://www.doe.nv.gov/Educator_Licensure/Licensure_Renewals/
  3. High Five – we need to take the time to recognize each other.
  4. If interested in getting information about Presidential candidates visit please email Earl Spriggs at WEA with a non-school email address asking to be added to the Educator2Legislator list.
  5. We are accepting pre-orders for the next WEA Red for Ed shirts. These will be long sleeved with a new design.  Please fill out the linked form to reserve your shirt. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=SfWsPDZezEGj3olFnhId7zmQnndZ-WBAvqpt0PKSvphUQzVFN1NJQzJJMDhKUUlUSkVEVTNNQjAxWC4u

In closing, please follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/WashoeEducationAssociation) and check out the WEAToday website (www.weatoday.org) for information.

Hope you have a wonderful and relaxing break.  The WEA office will also be closed next week.

Rep Council Minutes Oct 2019