
Awards Committee

Chair, Nicolette Andrini – Helps to organize the Awards Banquet in May. During this celebration, we recognize our retiring members as well as different awards. Awards also reviews the annual scholarship applications and hosts the Senior Recognition Day reception we recognize two graduating seniors from every high school (who in turn recognize an educator who has made a difference in their life).

Bylaws Committee

Chair, Maggie Babb – We are focused on updating the WEA Bylaws and Policies and keeping them relevant to the constant changes we face.


Chair, Jeni Martinez – We are focused on both internal and external communication to promote the goals and mission of the WEA. This includes updating and utilizing different forms of social media, as well as writing/working on our newsletters.


Chair, Robert Munson – We work on the elections for the Association (both counting the ballots as well as making sure the information regarding the different offices are presented accurately).

Government Relations

Co-Chairs, Mario Fitzpatrick and Stacie Stosich – The Government Relations Committee organizes activities to advocate on behalf of students and educators at the local, state, and national levels. We have letter-writing meetings, phone-banks, walk neighborhoods to talk to voters, write letters to the editor, use bumper stickers, and attend rallies in Carson City. We are always looking for people who are passionate about politics as many decisions are made in Carson City and Washington DC which directly impact our classrooms, work sites, students and profession.

Instruction and Professional Development

Chair, Andrea DeMichieli – Improves opportunities for professional development as well as exercise professional concerns in programs involving students teachers/professional autonomy. We are always looking for professional development opportunities to offer our members.

Membership and Social

Chair, Elizabeth Cadigan – Promote Association membership, train current members and assist in the dissemination of information pertaining to member benefits. We sponsor different social events as well as ask for member discounts in our community.

Social Justice

Co-Chairs, Marvin Bell and Andrew Schaefera Iaulualo – We are responsible for proposing policies and programs related to issues of concern to ethnic minority groups. We assist the Association in the identification of ethnic minority members and encourage and explore ways to increase their participation in all Association activities and programs. The committee also encourages minority members to seek election to offices and as NSEA and NEA delegates.

Special Education

Chair, Kimberly Smerkers-Bass– Open to all members of WEA the SpEd Committee is focused on informing members of special education laws and legislation and assisting members of WEA in keeping current on special education issues.

Fill out the WEA Committee Interest Survey if you would like to participate in any of our Committees.