Good afternoon WEA members,
We met with Emily Ellison of WCSD yesterday afternoon and wanted to get you an update.
- Discussion with Emily Ellison, Tom Stauss and Natha Anderson July 29, 2020
- Distance Learning Openings: need to do “triage” to figure out if the supply and demands of openings for those who need Distance Learning Position matches the # of positions needed; lengthy discussion around process/outreach by HR:
- HR Techs will be contacting those who have replied to the employee questionnaire who need ADAA accommodations to get clarifications – privacy and protections of employees are incredibly important in these conversations.
- Process of how the reassignments will be used were discussed and still needs to get finalize
- If certified and not able to answer the questionnaire from July 10-19, this will be handled through Risk Management (Not sure how this will be handled, requested more clarification)
- Just because people have requested it, there is no assurance it will be granted…all dependent upon the number of openings.
- Educators who did not complete a survey will be given an opportunity to do so.
- Unpaid Leave for Certified – plan to be announced tomorrow July 30 and people will need to complete the paperwork and return to HR by August 7 at 5:00 pm
- Just because people have requested it, there is no assurance it will be granted. There will be other items considered which still need to be worked out.
- COVID-19 Dr. Visits: COVID testing and co-pays are waived if COVID is the only reason for the appointment in the covered provider/Insurance network.
- Just make sure it is coded appropriately at the Dr. Appointment. The Appointment can only be COVID. If there is an attempt to collect a co-pay for either the appointment or the test, make provider aware it is covered under the plan per WCSD Risk Management. More info will be sent out by Risk.
- Sick Leave/Quarantine for COVID Issues: Still working through this issue. First 10 days will not be charged to employee sick leave. Working with WCSD re. if the educator is quarantined but not sick, rather than have personal sick leave charged, can the educator sub that day in a distance leaning position? Will bring up to WCSD Leadership Team
- “Quarantine” Bank possibility? People have many days, can they donate a certain number (10) to help with this? Will bring up to WCSD Leadership)
- ESIP – WCSD not contemplating one at this time; not comfortable putting something together before schools are open due to uncertainty with Unpaid Leave and number of positions needed.
- Waiver: The form will not be utilized for coaching positions this year; The form is null and void; We’ve requested WCSD to notify principals and ADs to inform coaches that this form is not to be utilized; If you signed a waiver form to coach this fall, we would advise you to retrieve the signed original and any copies that were made.
- Is there a “whistleblower” or other hotline for employees to use if there are concerns around ventilation of rooms/other items related to safety presented in the plan? Need information from WCSD.
In solidarity,
Natha and Tom